Geopark communication activities in Cao Bang high school for the gifted
- Thursday - 10/03/2022 05:26
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There were teachers in charge of the “Geopark ambassador club”, representatives of Youth Union of Cao Bang High school for the Gifted and more than 600 students from all the classes attending the propaganda session of the Club. The propaganda session was livestreamed and circulated to other students of the school from the Grade 11-Physics class.
The program included 3 parts: Part I: Briefing on the Non nuoc Cao Bang UNESCO Global geopark; Part II: Answering multiple choice questions about the geopark ( organized at each class); Park III: Online multiple choice quiz competition ( with the participation of 45 students form 18 classes). Finally, the first prize was awarded to Be Manh Dung - from Class 10 English; the first runner-up was Duong Tuan Dat - from Class 10 English and the second runner-up was a group of 3 students from Class 12 Math.
Geopark education and communication of Cao Bang High school for the Gifted has been carried out regularly with various activities joined and supported by all students of the school. Through these activities, the “Geopark ambassador club” has been contributing to the popularization of Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark to all students. Moreover, geopark education has really made a great contribution to geo-heritage conservation in Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark.