TheA delegation of Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) paid a study tour to Non nuoc Cao Bang UNESCO Global Geopark
- Friday - 13/01/2023 11:17
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From 10th -12th December 10-122022, the Management Board of Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark received a delegation of the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia led by Mr. Nizhar Marizi - Director of Director of Energy Resources, Mineral, and Mining, Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) on their study tour to learn about the management and operation of Non nuoc Cao Bang UNESCO Global Geopark.
The Indonesian delegation included experts and planners of some Directorates under the umbrella of BAPPENAS, the Management Body of Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark (Kebumen Regency) and Meratus Geopark (South Kalimatan Province).

According to the schedule in Cao Bang, the delegation of the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning conducted a field survey on geotourism routes of Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark, observed the infrastructure system on the routes, check-in venues, the directional and information panels, environmental protection issues at geosites, the preservation and promotion of traditional culture at community-based tourism villages; geopark education in schools, etc.
In addition, the Indonesian delegation and the Management Board of Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark exchanged the management and operation mechanism of Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark, the structural system of Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark Management Board, coordination between the Geopark Management Board and departments, branches and localities in implementation of heritage conservation activities, environmental protection, promotion of traditional cultural values, sustainable and inclusive tourism development in Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark. The Indonesian delegation highly appreciated the management and operation system of Non nuoc Cao Bang Global Geopark; from the experiences learned after the study tour, they would have appropriate application to Indonesia geopark development.