The Performance Review Meeting of Management board of Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark

Tuesday - 09/04/2019 03:28
On May 28th 2018, the management board of Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark met to review progress of 2017 and activity plan 2018.
The Performance Review Meeting of Management board of Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark

In 2017, the Management board of Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark focused on communication activities to raise community’s awareness in the geopark area in particular, the communication was implemented  in terms of  training workshop (04 provincial courses, and 07 training workshop at the district level to raise awareness on ecological heritage for the community; develop Information, education and communication (IEC) materials for promotion of geopark; introduced images of Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark to the world through UNESCO global geopark networking; consulted to the province to develop 3 geopark experience routes and geopark products, etc.

The meeting discussed some of the key tasks of the Proposal on Geopark development in 2018 and assigned tasks for each member of the Management boar.

In his speech before the meeting, Mr. Sam Viet An, Director of Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism applauded efforts made by members of the Management board; asked member of the Management board to focus on some of key tasks as follows: Cooperation with the VIGMR and UNESCO consultants to update the information and promotion panels of the Geopark; developed work plan to participate at the 8th Conference on UNESCO global geopark and prepared a booth at the Conference to promote images of Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark; Published 4 News-letters, leaflets, guide books of the three routes; continued to implement tasks on the management and protection of ecological, cultural heritage, natural landscapes, environment in Cao Bang.

Source: Bạch Vân

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