Field survey of tourism routes in the Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark area

Tuesday - 19/11/2024 09:40
As part of the tour and experience program in the 8thAsia-Pacific Geopark Network Symposium, on September 14, domestic and international delegations attending the symposium conducted a field survey of two experiential tourism routes within the Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark: the Northern Route, "Journey to the Roots" (Ha Quang District), and the Eastern Route, "Experiencing Indigenous Culture in the Land of Wonders" (Quang Hoa and Trung Khanh Districts).
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The survey delegation visited Pac Bo Special National Monument (Ha Quang).
The international delegation toured and surveyed the Northern tourism route, "Journey to the Roots," which includes significant cultural and historical heritage sites exemplifying the nation's struggle to protect its independence and freedom, such as the Le King Temple, Hoang Tung Stone Garden, and Nguom Boc Cave (Hoa An), as well as the Special National Historic Site of Pac Bo (Ha Quang).They also explored geological values at the Soc Giang Hanging Valley and the ancient fossil site of ammonites in Lung Luong Village, Lung Nam Commune (Ha Quang).
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The survey team visited Hoang Tung rock garden (Hoa An).
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The survey team visited King Le Temple (Hoa An).
On the same day, other delegations visited the Eastern tourism route, "Experiencing Indigenous Culture in the Land of Wonders," featuring famous heritage sites such as Ban Gioc Waterfall, Nguom Ngao Cave, and Thang Hen Lake in Trung Khanh District; and traditional craft villages like Phuc Sen Blacksmith Village, Phia Thap Incense Village, and Dia Tren Paper Village in Quang Hoa District. In these places, delegates were introduced to the history of these craft villages and the traditional processes involved in creating unique products from natural materials. They immersed themselves in the peaceful life of ancient villages and experienced the distinctive indigenous culture of local ethnic communities, including the Tay, Nung, Hmong, and Dao people.
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The survey team visited Ban Gioc waterfall, Dam Thuy commune (Trung Khanh).
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Field survey teams at the blacksmith village of the Nung An people in Phuc Sen commune (Quang Hoa).
The international delegation assessed that Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark's preservation and development of centuries-old traditional craft villages is highly significant, aligning closely with UNESCO’s recommendations. This contributes to enhancing the role and benefits of local communities in building and developing the global geopark.

Author: The Management Board of the Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark

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