The themes discussion in the 8th Asia-Pacific Geoparks Symposium

Monday - 18/11/2024 16:16
On September 12-15, at the Provincial Convention Center, thematic seminars took place within the framework of the 8th Asia-Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium (APGN) in 2024 in Cao Bang.
The discussion topics attracted the participation of a large number of delegates.
Sessions took place from the afternoon of September 12 to the morning of September 15. Workshop sessions with 6 topics:  Local and indigenous knowledge, engagement of local and indigenous people in; Geohazard, natural disaster risk and climate change reduction and adaptation; IHeritage inventory, protection and sustainable use; Geoparks and regional sustainable development goals; Geopark education and science popularization; Aspiring Geoparks - difficulties and challenges.Each workshop is chaired by 2 experts in specialized fields, members of the Executive Board of the Global Geopark Network and the Asia-Pacific Network.
Delegates shared experiences in building and developing, promoting the value of geopark models.
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Delegates participated in discussion at the seminar.
During the workshop, participants presented reports and presentations to share experiences in building and developing and promoting the value of the Geopark model; Preserving, conserving and promoting various types of geological heritage, biodiversity, natural landscapes, tangible and intangible culture, environmental protection activities, associated with development activities tourism, for community development and sustainable development.
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Members of the Club " Geopark Ambassador Club" gave presentations at the Symposium.
Through thematic seminars, delegates were exposed to and learned effective models and useful solutions in the work of building and developing the title of Geopark according to UNESCO's criteria among member states.  of the Asia-Pacific UNESCO Global Geopark Network. From there, it contributes to raising awareness and responsibility of all levels, sectors and ethnic people in preserving and promoting the value of various types of heritage for sustainable tourism development.

Author: The Management Board of the Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark

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