Through discussions on the assessment and re- assessment of the Global Geopark designation of UNESCO's Global Geoparks among member countries, the council found that the management boards of the geoparks generally performed well in implementing the recommendations of the Global Geoparks Network of UNESCO to promote the sustainable development of geoparks. The council appreciated some geoparks from various countries that have proposed effective and creative approaches to protect and promote the values of geopark heritage, such as: propaganda and education to raise awareness among local communities about actively protecting natural resources and the environment, safeguarding biodiversity, and protecting the landscape from human impacts; promoting the values of indigenous cultural heritage linked to enhancing the values of geopark heritage to develop sustainable geopark tourism, creating livelihoods for locals associated with protecting the values of geopark heritage. The role and proactive involvement of local government levels in managing, protecting, and promoting the values of geopark heritage were also acknowledged. The council encouraged countries and localities with effective geopark models to share their experiences with other members.
Through the meeting, the Global Geoparks Council of UNESCO and its members reached a consensus on the assessment and re-assessmen of the UNESCO Global Geopark designation of geoparks in member countries objectively, in order to continue producing positive solutions to promote the development of the Global Geoparks Network of UNESCO in the future.
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