Press Conference for the 8th Asia Pacific Geoparks Network (APGN) Symposium

Friday - 08/11/2024 09:59
On August 22nd , in Hanoi, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) coordinated with the People's Committee of Cao Bang Province (Cao Bang PPC) to hold a press conference to promote the 8th APGN Symposium 2024 in Cao Bang.
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Overview of the Press conference.

Mr. Ha Kim Ngoc, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Viet Nam National Commission for UNESCO; Mr. Hoang Xuan Anh, Deputy Secretary of Cao Bang Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Cao Bang PPC; Mr. Jonathan Wallace Baker, UNESCO Representative to Viet Nam co-chaired the Press conference. Attending the press conference were representatives of relevant ministries, departments, branches, foreign representative agencies in Viet Nam; representatives of the UNESCO Office in Viet Nam; over 60 central and local news and press agencies, foreign press agencies and press attachés of foreign representative agencies in Viet Nam.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinated with the People's Committee of Cao Bang province to hold a press conference for the 8th APGN Symposium.

The APGN Symposium is held every 2 years among APGN members, with the aim of sharing and exchanging experiences, initiatives and good practices in the operating and developing UNESCO Global Geoparks in accordance with UNESCO criteria. Thereby, raising awareness and responsibility of authorities of all levels, sectors and people in preserving and promoting the values ​​of heritage types for sustainable tourism development. The 8th International Symposium of the UNESCO Global Geopark Network in the Asia-Pacific region will take place in Cao Bang from September 5 to 17, 2024, with the theme "Local communities and sustainable development in the Geoparks", expected to have about 800 - 1,000 domestic and international delegates attending. Speaking at the press conference, Mr. Hoang Xuan Anh, Chairman of Cao Bang PPC emphasized that the Symposium is of special importance to Cao Bang, an opportunity for the province to learn and share experiences in developing and promoting the value of the Geopark model with countries around the world; promoting and advertising the tourism image and potential of Cao Bang to domestic and international delegates, contributing to the successful implementation of the goals and aspirations of Cao Bang tourism branding; concretizing the Resolutions of the Central Government, the province's action programs, opening up many new opportunities for Cao Bang tourism, effectively implementing breakthrough tasks for the local tourism industry, step by step firmly towards transforming tourism into a spearhead economic sector. He suggested that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continue to orient, direct, and coordinate with the province to prepare well for the successful organization of the Symposium; at the same time, he hoped that domestic and international press agencies, reporters, and journalists would continue to accompany and support the event communication, focusing on spreading the information of the 8th Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium held in Cao Bang province.

Mr. Hoang Xuan Anh, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee gave remarks at the press.

Affirming that the Symposium is not only an event for Cao Bang province but also a festival for the localities with UNESCO designated labels in Viet Nam, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc said that the Symposium is an opportunity to contribute to positioning Cao Bang in particular, and UNESCO designated territories in Viet Nam in general on the world heritage map. This is both an opportunity to strengthen international cooperation and a chance to promote and bring Vietnam localities to the world and the world closer to Viet Nam. The Symposium demonstrates the efforts and determination of the leaders and people of Cao Bang province in protecting, preserving and promoting the Non Nuoc Cao Bang Global Geopark, responsibility as an active member of the Network, and its readiness to share experiences and successful lessons. This Symposium will strongly motivate and encourage localities of Viet Nam in particular and other countries in general, to join the network to protect our Earth home and to create livelihoods.

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Delegates at the press conference for the 8th APGN Symposium.

Author: The Management Board of the Non nuoc Cao Bang Geopark

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