Let the young generation be ardent about traditional crafts

Thursday - 06/06/2024 10:01
Phuc Sen commune, Quang Hoa district, Cao Bang province where traditional craft villages such as forge, incense making, paper, indigo dyeing... are still being preserved and bringing income to the people. To develop, traditional craft villages have been associated with tourism, especially with the route “Experience traditional culture in wonderland” of Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark, However, for traditional cultural values to be preserved, it is necessary to instill passion and a sense of responsibility for the young generation.
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As a part of the experiential learning program associated with Geopark education propaganda content in schools, Quoc Dan Secondary School and Phuc Sen Secondary School organized experiential activities in craft villages in Phuc Sen commune. Students can experience traveling, learn more knowledge and practical skills, especially they can create traditional handicraft products step-by-step themselves such as using hammers to shape the knife in Pac Rang village; pulp pounding, paper scraping at Dia Tren paper-making village, Phuc Sen commune…

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Through experiential activities, students feel pride in living in a place with traditional craft villages for hundreds of years and see their responsibility to preserve and continue these traditional cultural values of our ancestors.

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